The idea of getting your financial and legal house in order is likely the last thing on your mind during the busy holiday season. But, getting started with estate planning is much easier than you think. In fact, the end of the year is a good time to reflect upon the year that has passed […]

Avoid a will contest

A will or trust contest can derail your final wishes, rapidly deplete your estate, and tear your loved ones apart. But with proper planning, you can help your family avoid a potentially disastrous will or trust contest. If you are concerned about challenges to your estate plan, consider the following: 1. Do Not Attempt “Do […]

After a loved on dies

If you’ve been appointed an executor of a loved one’s estate or a successor trustee, and that person dies, your grief – not to mention your to-do list, including tasks ranging from planning the funeral, coordinating relatives coming in from out of town and (eventually) meeting with a trust administration or probate lawyer – can […]