Will and Estate Planning Las Vegas

A resume is a “snapshot” of your experience, skill set, and education which provides prospective employers insight into who you are and how you will perform. Imagine not updating that resume for 5, 10, or even 15 years. Would it accurately reflect who you are? Would it do what you want it to do? Likely […]

Estate Planning Las Vegas

Not surprisingly, most people loathe reviewing their estate plan because it can be both confusing and daunting. Others do not want to think about death and avoid the topic altogether. If you have already put an estate plan together using an estate planning attorney in Las Vegas, you are ahead of the curve as many […]

Estate Planning Las Vegas

You’ve finally decided it’s time to meet with an estate planning attorney in Las Vegas and get your affairs in order. OK, great! It’s time to make sure your family is protected. It’s important to know how to prepare for a meeting with your estate planning attorney. Now that you’ve scheduled the first appointment, what’s […]